Thursday, April 07, 2005

Almost there

My time is coming soon!! Before I know it I'll be out of the Navy and home with Kendra! In the words of Napoleon Dynamite, "Yessssssssssss." It's going to be great!

Kendra is doing well. She is very much pregnant. I wish I could be there to give her the back rubs, ankle rubs, and all that stuff that she needs. I talked to her the other day and her legs were real sore from craps she had earlier. She was telling me how bad they hurt and all I could think of was "I wish I could be there." Mmmmmm... The joys of love.

I got to hang out with the Stonebargers' and Ellis' yesterday! It was really great to see them :). Friends are great.

Well, I'm at work so I guess I better do something.

"Peace out Napoleon." -Kip

SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT: Nothing good comes out of gossip.

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Going Home

We're pulling back into homeport tomorrow. I'm not looking forward to it... not anymore. We are pulling in in the afternoon. All the families are going to be on the pier... but not mine. Yeah, Kendra is not going to be there waiting for me. She is still back in OH. Don't get me wrong, she needs to be there. I just don't understand all the situations that God gives me in my life.

I miss her so much. How I long to hold her and let her know that I love her. You can only do so much over a phone. "It's only another two months"... little do they know that I can't wait another two months to be with her.