Saturday, February 22, 2003

In about two in a half hours I am going to be participating in our ship's "Blue Ridge's African-American History Month's Talent Show." I'm a little nervous. I'm doing "The Love Song," by Third Day. I know what you're probably thinking, "Rich, you've been playing that song for the past 5 years, why you nervous?" Well, there are two reasons:

ONE - Because it is a song about Jesus and the price he paid on the cross for us, and, I'm singing this song to the people who cheat on their wives and husbands, and who like to drink...a lot... and to people who worship Satan (i.e. wickans, witches, etc.). About 15% - 20% of the ship are Christians. In other words, I am expecting that people will be offend... now that I think about it... OH WELL!! The other talents that are going to be performed are about having a lot of sex and getting naked. Why should I even be nervous to sing about my Jesus?!!! HALLELUJAH!!!


TWO - I'll be the only white guy perfroming!! LOL!!! I know that sounds funny, but it makes me feel a little weird :). Don't get me wrong, the talent show was for anybody that wanted to do something. So, I signed up. It's cool, though, because the person that is in charge of it attends our Bible Study, like, everyday. She is a real strong woman of God, and when she saw that I signed up she got real excited :)!!! That makes me feel a lot better, knowing that I have brothers and sisters in Christ who will support me :). Prasie the Lord for Friends!!!!

Let me tell ya how frustrating my job is sometimes. There are times, for example, that my boss, Ms. Smith, wants me to clean. No problem. But then, I'll be done cleaning, have everything put away and she'll be like, "Kendle, I forgot that we have to clean another space." Or, I'll be done fixing a phone, have all my tools put away and she'd say, "Kendle, I forgot, these two phones over here need fixed, too." AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH!! She does this ALL THE TIME!!!!!!!!! I mean, alomost everyday. At first, I though that it was just some kind of phase that she was going through, btu NNNNNOOOO!!!! I'm sure she doesn't do it on purpose, but... I'm REALLY close to telling her how it is. LOL! lkbfoiqwyt784ryouifg3ft08q34hty53906yf9-y)(6_(&_(*^_(*^Y_$(^_TN$U)+tn7540tgu0g!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok. I feel a little better now :).

The only thing that is really keeping me sane on this ship is knowing that I am going to be home in LESS THAN 3 MONTHS!!!!!!!!!!!! "Heck Freakin' Yeah Baby!!!!!" NOICE!!!!!! I cannot wait any longer than I have to. I would go NUTS!! Absolutely bonkers!!!!

On a lighter note: Jesus is AWESOME!!! And, I'm going to Heaven!!! "YEEEEAAAAAHHHHH!!!" Go bless!!!

SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT: No matter how bad things get, they could always get worse. <><

Wednesday, February 19, 2003

I am now in Hong Kong!!! We arrived Monday morning :). It's pretty nice. I am staying at the 3 Star Empire Hotel, in Kowloon (5 MIN ferry ride from Hong Kong pier). It's a real nice hotel. I paid, like, $60 a night. Let me tell ya, it was worth it!! I stayed there last night and I'm going to be staying there tonight. Mylse is going to stay tonight. I didn't have any company last night, everyone had to work.

I went all out at this hotel last night, though. First, I got a nice 1 hour massage, then I got TV internet hooked up in my room, then I recieved breakfast in bed! WOW!! I thought to myself, "I need to be treated like a king every once in a while." :) All that and I spent less than one hundred dollars!!! Hong Kong is really cheap!! It's not a bad place to visit. It's like an "adult Disney Land."

After we leave here my ship goes back to Yokosuka for a little while. I can't wait for that!!!!!!!!!!!!! I REALLY miss my friends back in Yoko! I really miss the praise band!!! I have a lot of stuff to do while I'm in Yokosuka: I need to get a Passport, I need to get some paper work ready for my wedding, I need to work on some stuff for this summer's youth rally concert... the list goes on!!!! It'll be worth it once it's all said and done, though.

Well, I'm going to go. I'll chat later. God bless!!!

SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT: Why does love hurt so much?