I finally got to sit down at the studio and lay some tracks last night!! I laid out two songs with my acoustic and I did the vocals. I'm going to make it an acoustic album. I'm going to see if some friends of mine would like to throw their acoustic talents on the album. That would be great!
I know what some of you maybe thinking, "When's the album coming out?" Well, if my recording producer and I keep working at the rate we're working at then the release date will be never. However, if we keep working the way we did last night then I am anticipating a late August / early September release (depending on how long the copyrighting takes). I'll be selling them... not sure what the price will be, yet (under $10 FOR SURE :). It's going to be awesome!
12 DAYS LEFT UNTIL KENDRA GETS HERE!!!!!!! I'm gettin so stoked! I miss her so much. It sucks being away for so long.
I'm outa here. I have a meting to go to that I completely forgot about. Peace.
SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT: Why can't children read the Bible in school, yet they can read it in prison?
"That's what he said!"
Everything about me wrapped up in tiny paragraphs.