I got this idea off of Amanda. I want to share the lyrics to a song with you. The title of the song is, "Better is One Day." This should constantly be a prayer and praise in our hearts:
How lovely is your dwelling place,
Oh Lord Almighty?
For my soul longs and even faints for you.
For here my heart is satisfied,
Within your presence.
I sing beneath the shadow of your wings.
Better is one day in your courts,
Better is one day in your house,
Better is one day in your courts,
Than thousands elsewhere (repeat)
Than thousands elsewhere.
One thing I ask and I would seek,
To see your beauty.
To be found in the place your glory dwells.
My heart and flesh cry out,
For you the living God.
Your Spirit's water to my soul.
I've tasted and I've seen,
Come once again to me.
I will draw near to you.
I will draw near to you...to you!
If you know this song I pray that it touches you as deep as it does me. I love you all. God bless!!!
"That's what he said!"
Everything about me wrapped up in tiny paragraphs.
Tuesday, February 04, 2003
PRAISE THE LORD SAINTS OF GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HAVE AN ANOUNCMENT TO MAKE: On this day, 04 FEB 2003, my very good friend, Chris Kempf, gave his life over to the Lord ... HE WAS saved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AMEN!!!!!!!! All the angels rejoice over the triumpf and victory he has now in Christ Jesu our Lord!!! I am SOOOOOOOOOOOO excited!!! I mean, I was friends with him before tonight so it touched my heart a lot to see him come forward. I lead the bible study tonight and I was sharing about love. And, you ever have one of those moments where you have a service planned out or a bible study and then God changes it on you? That's what happened tonight. I kept the teaching on the cross. I kept relating everything to the crusifixtion of Christ. And, GTod moved is Chris's heart and he started crying. I mean, no joking, yall. I had a good hours worth of stuff I was ready to teach on. But God was like, "I got a different plan." And that's when it all hit. After about a half hour I closed my bible, looked at the congregation and said, "God has a different plan tonight. And then the coolest thing happened. Some of the saints that were sitting there saying, "The Lord was just showing me that!" I love how the Lord conferms things through other people!!!!
Next thing I knew, Chris walked up and accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Savior!!! AMEN!!!! Give God the glory today!!!!!!
Well, I got only one other thing to share and most of you probably know what that is:
Kendra (now you know ;) . I want to apologize to you in front of everyone that reads this. When I read the cuss words you had in your diary I was hurt, yes. But I wasn't holding you accountable in a good manner. I know that you try working on your cussing and I praise God for that. So, I am going to have to let God deal with you because that's not my place. I should have approached you more lovingly than what I did. I'm sorry. Please forgive me.
Let me share with you a story that I read. It'll give you a hint of how much my love is for Kendra:
A doctor recounted how moved he was by a young husband's response to his wife after her facial surgery. To remove the tumor, the surgeon had to sever a nerve that controlled the muscles of her mouth.
After the operation, as the doctor and the husband stood by the women's bedside, she asked, "Will my mouth always be like this?" "Yes,' the doctor said. The husband looked at his wife, smiled, and said that he found her mouth "kind of cute." Then he bent over and kissed her, twisting his own lips to meet hers.
Unconditional love!
Kendra, I love you. After God, you are my rock. You will always be second in my life. I love you!!!!!
SOMTHING TO THINK ABOUT: TRUE love always gives a second chance... and a third..........and a forth........and a fifth.........................