Wednesday, April 09, 2003

AHHHHHH! WORK, WORK, WORK! I do a lot of work. It gets frustrating sometimes. Not all the time, but sometimes. Especially since my boss is not exactly the kind of guy I would want to hang out with. He doesn't talk much and when he does it's either to give me an order or to make fun of me because I'm a Christian. It's pretty pathetic. Oh, well. "That'll happen."

34 MORE DAYS and I'll be home! Yes! I cannot wait. Good times a-comin'. I need to get off this ship for a while. Vacation is sounding real good. The funny thing is that I never dreamed that going to Bellaire, Ohio would sound like a good vacation. But you know what? It sounds REALLY awesome!

My ship has been doing a lot of drills and excersices this week. We have been doing GQs (General Quarters-a battle simulation). Honestly, though, if we ever did get attacked by aircraft with missles...yeah... we are definitely all dying. This ship about 34 years old (that's old for a Navy ship) and it has 50 cal. for protection. THAT'S IT! Guns that may shoot down a plane, but it's very unlikely. If we ever got hit with a missle, we'd all probably die. Not that I'm complaining, though. I know where I'll be going after that :). Hallelujah!

O.k. The "big day is in 44 days. I will be married....... oh no. LOL! J/K. I really cannot wait. It's going to be extremly awesome. There's nothing better in this world than knowing that the person you love the most wants to spend the rest of their life with you. How cool is that? I think it's pretty cool.

So, people are getting worried because there has been a report of a person on the ship with SARS. Not good. Enough said.

Well, the MSs (Navy cooks) are serving some prime rib today for dinner. I am going to get me some before they run out. They still don't know how to cook for 1200 people, yet. I figure that by the time the ship is decomissioned (is torn down) they MAY learn how to fix an appropriate amount of food.


SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT: How do you expect to listen with obedience if you do not have the heart to hear?