GOD IS SO AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He is so good!!!!! You all probably thing that I'm praising the Lord because something really cool has happened recently. Well... your wrong!!!! I am just ESTATIC today becuase GOD IS GOD!!!!! He's just........ AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! My souls is so on fire!! I can't even begin to express in words what I am feeling right now!!!!!! YYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Thank you Jesus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There's an empty tomb, Saints!!!!!!! Hallelujah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Praise the Lord!!!! I just want to scream His name!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I did... literally :). People walking by my office probably think I'm nuts!!! HA HA HA HA!!!!!!
Wow!!! Ok. Geepers, God is SO good, ain't He?! Ahh. I'm going to calm down a bit so that I can write a little more.
Well, I'm at work right now. I think they are giving us a half day today because the inspection that I was telling you all about a while ago, the really big one... yeah... we passed with flying colors!!!! The organization that inspected us said, "We have inspected 76 ships in the fleet and NEVER have we seen a ship as outstanding as this one!" Mind you, the ship is almost 33 years old. It's one of the oldest ships in the fleet and they said that out of 76 others, we are the best. Praise the Lord!!!!! I need a litt;e time off.
Check this. I'm doing a special either this Sunday or next (more likely this Sunday) at church. I'm going to be doing an acoustic version of Mercy Me's "I can Only Imagine." I love that song and I know that the Lord has placed it on my heart to share with the congregation at church. I can't wait!! God is definitely going to move through the song.
Well, I'm going to get back to work. I'll talk to you all later. God bless!!!
SOMETHING TO PLACE IN YOU HEART: Something good doesn't need to happen in order to give God praise!
"That's what he said!"
Everything about me wrapped up in tiny paragraphs.
Thursday, March 06, 2003
Tuesday, March 04, 2003
God is SO good!!!! I mean, have you ever really sat down and tried to think about how much He loves us? You can't!! It's impossible because His love is too great! Isn't that AWESOME!!!!!!! I love Him so mmuch!!!! "YYYEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!"
I got to talk to Kendra this morning :). It's always so nice to hear her voice. It's even nicer to know that my soon-to-be-wife is always praying for me :). I think that that is one of the most important things in a relationship... to pray for one another. I can't really explain how important it is or how it makes one feel. You just have to be in that position to know. It's too awesome! I love Kendra a whole freakin' lot :). She is everything that I've always wanted, and much more. Thank you Lord!!!!
I'm coming home in 2 1/2 months!!!! Who's excited?! I know that I am. A whole stinkin' year away from home is WAY TO LONG!!!! It sucks, big time!!!! But, I know that when I'm home I'm going to have some fun shooting some vidgeos, playing the guitar, doing praise and worship, and some other things that I can't really talk about publically ;). The point is... IT'S GOIN' TO BE FREAKING AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait to see all my friends. AAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!
Whoever is reading this, can you do me a favor? Can you put in a comment in my comment box? I just want to get an idea of who actually reads these things. I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks!!!
Well, I gots to get get back to work. I'll chat again later! I love and miss you all!!! God bless!!! <><
SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT: "Do good with what you have because it may be all you get." -Richard Kendle