Monday, May 25, 2009

Long Time Coming

It has been a LOOONG time since I last blogged. Why the long dry spell? Well... life.

Since I've been out of the Navy Kendra and I have had three girls (Evelyn - 3 1/2, Riley - 2, Giovanna - 7 months), I started up my band (Affix -, I'm a full-time employee with Cintas, I'm a full-time student at Liberty University, and the list goes on. I'm not going to try to play "catch up" for the past 4 years, so lets move on.

Kendra and I started attending a Bible study May 17th. It's awesome! It's a home group that has been meeting on Sunday nights. We have coffee, cookies and we chat about God's Word. It's great because it's more of a discussion piece than anything. Right now we are going through Ephesians. Over the past two Sundays we have only gotten through about 5 verses. It's so cool because we read a few verses then disect them. Everybody talks about their point of view, what they think the scripture is talking about, what the theology behind the text is... and so on. It is everything the Kendra and I needed.

I say needed because that is exactly what it is. You see, Kendra and I thrive off of this type of fellowship. I was telling one of my fellow group memebers, David Lawrence, about how dry I have been for the past couple years. He stated, "This group is what is watering those dry spots." And it is! This is the environment that I grew up in.

Ever since high school I have been involved in home study groups. I love the atmosphere. It is so much more personal and intimate. I feel like I can share my heart and I won't be crushed just because someone disagrees with me. It's amazing how God put this particular group together (that is for another post).

God is so good... even when I am not. It's awesome to see how the Creator takes care of His own.

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At 3:26 PM , Blogger Kendra_Kendle said...

:) Welcome back, lol.


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