Saturday, May 30, 2009


There are days - more often than not - that I realize more than ever that friendship is critical to survival. I'm not going to go into some huge theological shin-dig about why God desires for us to have friends. I just want to share some thoughts.

I have been down many roads that I regret ever traveling. It is in those moments where I am on the way to destruction that a friend is there. He isn't there to judge me but to point me in the right direction.

Some days I am feeling like absolute crap and there is a friend to lean on.

There are days where I am in some dark times and a friend is treding with me through the battle field.

There are days where I rejoice and a friend is there more excited about what's going on in my life than I am :).

Let me just say that if it wasn't for the handful of guy friends that God has placed in my life I would be a total wreck right now. I would probably be off doing my own thing.

To all my friends I want to say, "Thank you." I love having godly friends such as yourselves. I cherish every moment that I have with you. I love you all with all my heart.


Friday, May 29, 2009


I'm really stressed out. I was sick with the flu on Tuesday and Wednesday. I missed half a day of work both days (which is never good... especially when you work for comissions). On top of that, I am WAY behind in my school work. I have a bazillion chapters to read and an assignment to do all by Sunday. I forgot about the camp board meeting tonight so I couldn't catch up on all my school work. PLUS, my band - Affix - has a show in a little over a week and we have a bunch of kinks to work out before we even take the stage!!! *big breath* .......... and ouuuuuuuuuut.

Exciting news! My band's first album is releasing on June 13th!! We're excited about it. It's just an EP of about 5 songs. We have our new posters in now and we'll be getting the T-shirts and CDs in next week. YEAH!

More exciting news! Kendra and I are going to be visiting Johnny and Amanda Erdman on Sunday! We're pretty much stoked. I love hanging out with them. It's so awesome being with the ones you love.

More exciting news! I made the Cadre!! I know that most of you have no idea what that means. LOL! It means that I am going to be spending the next 12 months in an intense mentoring program with Jeanne Mayo (she is considered the mother of youth ministry). She is awesome! I had the privledge of sitting in on her session at the the National Youth Ministry Convention.

God is so good. And my bed sounds so good... I'm definitely hitting that up right now.

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Monday, May 25, 2009

Long Time Coming

It has been a LOOONG time since I last blogged. Why the long dry spell? Well... life.

Since I've been out of the Navy Kendra and I have had three girls (Evelyn - 3 1/2, Riley - 2, Giovanna - 7 months), I started up my band (Affix -, I'm a full-time employee with Cintas, I'm a full-time student at Liberty University, and the list goes on. I'm not going to try to play "catch up" for the past 4 years, so lets move on.

Kendra and I started attending a Bible study May 17th. It's awesome! It's a home group that has been meeting on Sunday nights. We have coffee, cookies and we chat about God's Word. It's great because it's more of a discussion piece than anything. Right now we are going through Ephesians. Over the past two Sundays we have only gotten through about 5 verses. It's so cool because we read a few verses then disect them. Everybody talks about their point of view, what they think the scripture is talking about, what the theology behind the text is... and so on. It is everything the Kendra and I needed.

I say needed because that is exactly what it is. You see, Kendra and I thrive off of this type of fellowship. I was telling one of my fellow group memebers, David Lawrence, about how dry I have been for the past couple years. He stated, "This group is what is watering those dry spots." And it is! This is the environment that I grew up in.

Ever since high school I have been involved in home study groups. I love the atmosphere. It is so much more personal and intimate. I feel like I can share my heart and I won't be crushed just because someone disagrees with me. It's amazing how God put this particular group together (that is for another post).

God is so good... even when I am not. It's awesome to see how the Creator takes care of His own.

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