Thursday, September 25, 2003

Well... I've had a really poopy week: Sunday my dad's grandfather passed away. And, a few days ago my kitty that I've had since I was little, Frisky (the black and white one), got hit by a car. She's not dead. However, the vet said that she may not be around much longer because her kidneys are failing. SO... my week SUCKS!!!!

On a good note. Chaplain Bailey and myself are planning a youth rally for June. It's going to be awesome! I'm so looking forward to it. I have a few people that I am going to be e-mailing about it all. I need a lot of help with this one :).

We are getting ready to get underway. My ship is heading into Australia. I'm pretty excited about it. It's going to be awesome :). I can't wait.

Well, that's it. C-ya lata!!!!

SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT: Life sucks sometimes... but it's trials only make us stronger in Christ.