Tuesday, March 29, 2005


We're in China, now. I've been here before so I'm not going out in town. I'm anxious to get back to Japan. I miss Kendra so much. They just need to go full speed all the way back "home." We'll be back soon.

So, it looks like I'll be leaving the ship earlier than expected (hopefully). When my ship goes underway next time I will be staying back. Kendra and I got a lot of stuff to do before we move. I have to admit that I will miss Japan A LOT! Kendra, on the other hand, may not... at least not as much as me :). It's definitely a bitter sweet feeling for me.

I am very excited to see what the Lord has in store for Kendra and I in the next few years. We're excited about finding a new church family and getting to see all of our friends that have moved to KY. We are even more excited about the new edition to our family coming into the world here pretty soon :).

Well, I'm heading out. I got to get some dinner in me. Peace.

SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT: Love... it's the greatest gift of all.