WORK!!! WORK!!! WORK!!! WORK!!! WORK!!! It seems like that's all I do! The only thing that keeps me sane everyday is when I tell myself, "I have to get off sometime." This past week has been pretty stressful. The scary thing is that, I don't see how stressed I am until somebody cracks a joke on me and I want to kill them...literally. I mean, people joke all the time with me and I just blow it off but lately, WHOA BUDDY!!! LOOK OUT!!!!!
I need to get this off my chest: I HATE THIS PLACE!!!!!! OPSJHGISEBVISJNFAEI[PFHQ9PWRHNBQEIUFH9QP3GHT398YUF0234Y2072 208Y 92 YY(y#(yt$)*&($yy( &ry(y#r (y9R7823Y F90784FNYQ3908HFOI2Q UFG0Q897W YRI9P7GYBD9U67WTVOWYTB786R87W3HY8RBT4TR8!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That feels better :).
Ooooooooookaaay. You know what I don't like about our ships galley? We they serve the crappiest stuff (not food) in the world they'll give you as much as possible (which happens offten). BUT, when they actually try to serve something decent they'll give as little as possible! ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGG!!!!! I HATE THIS PLACE!!!!!
I can't wait to go home. Only 3 1/2 more months!!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's going to be soooooo awesome!! Praise the Lord!!!!!!
That's all for now. I'll probably write more later if I'm not in jail for murder. Peace!
"That's what he said!"
Everything about me wrapped up in tiny paragraphs.
Thursday, January 23, 2003
Like Fat Albert used to say, "Hey! Hey! Hey!" LOL! Do you like the new look? It's growing on me. I'm still having some trouble with my comments section, though. There is a way that you can comment on individual posts instead of all of them. In other words, when someone puts a comment in it'll show up under all my posts. That isn't cool! I was hoping that I could just have you guys comment on individual posts. Oh, well! Like I always say, "That'll happen!" I'll try to fix it. If any of you out there know how to fix it let me know, please. Thanx!! :)
Well, another long day of work is drawing to a close. It started at 0530 (5:30am) and it is now 1515 (I'm not going to put the civilian time from now on. It's easier for me to do military time :). But I'm thinking about working over today because I have a few spaces to clean. But, I'm not going to stay up too long because I have another long day tomorrow starting at 0530 (YUCK)!!!!! Pray for me.
Knowing that I sent an e-mail out to most of my friends about my "journal," it motivates me more to actually write in it. If you ever check out some of my archives you'll see that there would be periods of days where I didn't write anything at all. But, I know that some of you read this and that MAKES me want to write in it. I want to keep you all updated on what goes on in my life :).
I got to talk to Kendra today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait to get married (for more reasons than one ;). I love her so much! I praise God because he's given her to me as my wife. The thing is, I know that I'm undeserving of the love she gives me. But, she loves me anyway, despite what I have ever done to her. "Thank you Jesus!" Kendra, right after God you are the greatest thing in my life. I will always love you and cherish you like Christ does the church. I love you!
Well, I better get back to work. I don't want to be up too late. I got some work to do. I miss you all. God bless!!!!!!!!!!
SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT: 1 Corinthians 13:4-7
"Love is patient and kind; love is not jealous or boastful; 5 it is not arrogant or rude. Love does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; 6 it does not rejoice at wrong, but rejoices in the right. 7 Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things."
Wednesday, January 22, 2003
Hey everyone!! What's going on?! I'm sitting at work and it is now 1755 (5:55pm for all you non-military folks). I am soo mad becuase on a regular day I get done between 3:30pm - 4pm. BUT NOT TODAY!!!!!! Leave it to my ship to think that we should stay over and do some practice war drills. We do these ALL THE TIME!!!! We are going to be fried if anything ever happens. That's not why I'm mad though. I'm mad because I was supposed to go to a friends house and record a few songs!!! But NOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Don't let that happen! AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I dislike the Navy sometimes. I don't encourage anyone to join.
Anyway! We are about to start some of the drills so if I stop in the middle of a sentence it's becuase I had to leave.
My ship is getting ready to go on another deployment here soon. I'm pretty excited about it because it's not too long and there are some pretty nice ports we're hitting :). I'm just really glad that we'll be back in time for me to go on leave for my wedding. That's always good. I figured that it would make sence for me to be at my own wedding (imagine that). Another reason I'm excited is because there are a lot of ministries that happen on the ship. They have Bible studies every day and services on Sunday. God really moves in on this ship like a flood!! I love it!! Ooooo Oooooo!!!!! One of the Bible studies is mine, too!! That really makes me excited!!!!! I got the chapel reserved every Tuesday at 2000 (8:00pm)!!! Praise the Lord!!!!!!!!!!! Pray that God will touch many hearts this upcoming deployment.
Well, I think that's about it for now. I'm going to get going. It's 1805 (6:05pm) and they are about to start some of the drills. Plus, my work day starts at 0500 (5:00am) tomorrow (OUCH)!!! So I'm going to try to get a little nap in before the drills. I'll write again later!!! God bless!!!!
SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT: Who's number one in your life?
Sunday, January 19, 2003
Hey fellow Brothers and Sisters!!!! God is good, isn't He?! AMEN!!!! The Lord is so AWESOME!!!!!! I love Him so much!!!!!!! I was at church tonight and "Second Sons" played for the first time together. Even though it was only one song, God MOVED through it! It was NOICE!!! We played a song that I wrote a few months ago called, "Breathe." It's about how we should praise God through everything that we go through. No matter how bad it is!! He is always in control.
I know that I don't write in this often. I apologize to those of you who actually read this (even if it's only you, Kendra). I'm not the kind of person that likes to sit in front of a computer and type things. I'm the kind of guy that likes to surf the net and see what other accessories I can order for my guitar and what other CDs I can buy. That's my life on the computer, in a nut shell.
Check this out!! I've been reading Romans these past few days and I stumbled upon this awesome verse, check it:
Romans 8:17
The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: 17 And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together.
Isn't that AWESOME?! Being "joint-heirs" with Christ!!! AMEN!!!! Praise the Lord!! If you haven't read Romans all ready I encourage you to do so.
I'm going to go for now. I'll write later. God bless!!!!
SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT: God is still God no matter what happens in your life.