We had church today. It was awesome!! Myles Shapiro and I played "I've Always Loved You" by Third Day. I played the guitar and sang, he play the acoustic bass guitar. I can't believe how fast he's picked up on his talents on the bass. It's saweet!!
Kendra comes in in 9 DAYS!!! "YEEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!" I can't wait!!! I miss her so much. We are going to have so much fun while she's here. Praise the Lord!!!! I can't wait. I love you, Kendra!!
I'm going to go eat. I'm getting pretty hungry. God bless!!!
SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT: Exercise the gifts that were given to you by God. And, use them for His glory.
"That's what he said!"
Everything about me wrapped up in tiny paragraphs.
Saturday, December 07, 2002
Monday, December 02, 2002
I know that I don't do these much. Mostly because I'm too lazy. But, I'm also busy most of the time. I wish that i was just home so that I can be with all my friends and family. But, at the same time, I don't want to leave Yokosuka. I love all my friends and families here. God has truly blessed me with some AWESOME friends!!! I can't wait for Kendra to meet them :). They are so awesome!
I had a great Thanksgiving. I went to the Palmer house and had some turkey and home made mashed potatoes and home made stuffing and home made everything else. It was so nice. I had 4 days off in a row!! Praise the Lord!!!!! That definitley rocked! I hope everyone elses' Thanksgiving went well.
Top 10 things I'm thankful for:
10. My job (that I have one)
9. Sleep
8. Third Day
7. My guitar
6. The skill the Lord has given me to play the guitar and drums
5. Third Day
4. That I can't do anything without Jesus
3. Family & Friends
2. Kendra (I love you <3)
1. Salvation through Jesus Christ our Lord!!!!!!!! "YEAHHHHHH!!"
What are you thankful for? Have you thought about it? If you haven't, do so.
Check this out!!!!! I used to have overnight liberty (meaning I could stay the night off the ship if I wanted to) until a few idiots from my ship decided that they wanted to get drunk and get into a bar fight. This isn't the first time it has happened. You think people would learn. If you person gets it EVERYONE gets it!! It's not fair!!!! What did I do to deserve this punishment!!!!! I think that the people that got into the fight should have their liberty taken away, NOT the ones who work their butts off to do what is right! If you ask me this just encourages people to do things wrong. They're probably thinking, "We're going to get in trouble anyway whether we do it or not so we might as well do what we want." The Navy is SO DUMB!!!! They make NO sense!! URRRRGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! I feel a little better now.
Well, I'm going to get going. I have to be up at 5:00am because me ship is getting ready to pull out for a little over a week. We have to make the necessary "last adjustments" before we leave. I'll talk to yall later. God bless!!!!
SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT: Be on "watch," you don't know when He will return.